Sunday, August 23, 2020
Ambassadors Essay Example for Free
Envoys Essay Mavromati Panayiotis Karafotias IREL-480-9 For my paper I chose to expound on the envoys of Denmark, The United States of America and Uruguay. His Excellency Mr. Tom Norring, the represetative of Denmark, was one of the ambassador’s to come this semester. He chose to concentrate his discourse not on his nation however more on the worldwide monetary emergency and how it influenced Greek economy. He said that even without the emergency the circumstance in Greece would have been muddled. Regardless of the way that Maastricht Treaty permits the GDP shortage in European nations not over 3% Greece had deficiency 6-7%. Minister said that in 2006-2007 the administration of Kostas Karamanlis figured out how to limit the shortfall to the adequate level, however later in 2008 they fizzled. Karamanlis trusted that he would be reappointed and he vowed to limit the shortfall, however individuals lost confidence in him. Later George Papandreou uncovered the new data about the deficiency. The shortfall for that time was not 8% however 12%. Furthermore, accordingly the salvage program was built up by the European Union. So Greece took course to the EU and the IMF. They needed a hard money and the EU and IMF attempted to help with it. At that point the rebuilding reserve was set up. The open costs must be cut. As envoy said â€Å"Greece has one of the greatest open administrations†and the cutting of open division costs will assist with diminishing the deficiency. He likewise called attention to that 25% of Greek economy is dark economy. The just a single thing which he said about his nation was that the Denmark isn't the piece of Eurozone. One reason I appreciated the discourse of Danish represetative was on the grounds that he appeared to be straightforward when discussing the point. When giving his discourse, he gave individual models and consistently alluded to the crowd. The subsequent diplomat was the minister of Uruguay, his Excellency Mr. Jose Luis Pombo Morales. He chose to concentrate his discourse on his nation and its relations with Greece and other European nations. Mr. Jose Luis Pombo Morales, discussed political framework in Uruguay, that it is aâ representative democraticâ republic with aâ presidential framework. Likewise, he revealed to us that, the individuals from government are chosen for a five-year terms by aâ universal suffrageâ system. Uruguay is aâ unitary state: equity, training, wellbeing, security, international strategy, guard are totally managed across the nation. The Executive Power is practiced by theâ presidentâ and aâ cabinetâ of 13 priests. In addition to that, Mr. Envoy discussed Uruguay as one of the greatest fleece and meat exporter to the EU nations. Mr. Jose Luis Pombo, told the crowd, that Uruguay is one of the most financially created nations in South America, with a high GDP per capita and the 52nd highestâ quality of life indexâ in the world. Uruguay is appraised as the second least degenerate nation in Latin America (behind Chile), despite the fact that Uruguay scores extensively superior to Chile on local surveys of defilement discernment. Its political and work conditions are the most significant level of opportunity on the mainland. The third represetative, I need to discuss, is the minister of the United States of America, his Excellency Mr. Daniel Smith. Diplomat concentrated his discourse on Greek-Turkish relations and budgetary emergency. His discourse was conciliatory, and attempted to keep lack of bias, when a few understudies asked him inquiries about issues in Libya and Greek-Turkish clashes. In any case, Mr. Smith, gave exceptionally clear thought, about the USA and its remote relations. Moreover
Friday, August 21, 2020
Diagnostic Summary Paper AUTISM Essay Example For Students
Indicative Summary Paper AUTISM Essay Mental imbalance is a confusion that disables the improvement of a people ability to interface with, speak with, and furthermore keep up ordinary typical bonds with the outside world. This issue was depicted in 1943 by Leo Kanner, an American therapist. Chemical imbalance is viewed as one of the more typical formative inabilities, and shows up before the age of three. It is known to be four or multiple times more typical in guys than in females. It most refered to measurement is that mental imbalance happens in 4. 5 out of 10,000 live births. The gauge of youngsters having mentally unbalanced characteristics is accounted for to be 15 to 20 out of 10,000. The sexual orientation explanation noted before isn't unprecedented, since numerous formative inabilities have a more noteworthy male to female proportion. Mentally unbalanced qualities are not quite the same as birth. Two more regular attributes that might be displayed are the angling of the back while being held, to maintain a strategic distance from contact, and furthermore neglecting to foresee being gotten (flaccidness in the body). Babies with mental imbalance are depicted as being either extremely uninvolved, or upset. Now and then during outset there will be instances of head shaking, or potentially slamming, against the bunk, yet this isn't generally the situation. Around 33% of kids create ordinarily until the ages of 1/2 to 3, and afterward the side effects develop, alluded to as backward mental imbalance. During adolescence, there is a shared trait of the influenced kid demanding daily practice. The thinking is that the youngster is not ready to adapt to novel circumstances. Wearing a similar garments, or eating similar nourishments during dinners, are models. Fits can happen when these perseverative practices happen. Twenty years back, most medically introverted people were systematized. Presently just the most serious cases live in establishments. During adulthood, mentally unbalanced people are known to live with their folks, in private establishments, and some live autonomously. Since there are such huge numbers of types of this issue, it has been said that there is no evident modifier to portray each kind of individual with mentally unbalanced indications, or chemical imbalance. My exploration shows that there are no physiological tests that can be performed to decide if an individual has chemical imbalance. The finding is given when an individual displays the qualities of the clutter. Note: Over the most recent five years, analysts have concurred that those who show medically introverted attributes are normally experiencing other related yet particular issue, for example, Asperger Syndrome, Fragile X condition, Landau Kleffner disorder, Rett condition, and Williams condition. Physiological scientists include found anomalies inside the cerebrum, in any case, the explanation behind the variations from the norm isn't known, and it isn't known where the connection to mental imbalance lies. These anomalies extend from immature zones in the limbic framework, to Vernal lobules VI and VII, being littler than normal. Biochemical research has discovered raised beta- endorphins, identifying with torment resistance in mentally unbalanced activity. In the intellectual domain, there is a lot of discussion of the hypothesis of psyche, or the failure to understand that others have their own exceptional perspective on the world. A few Psychological scholars feel that the mentally unbalanced individual isnt ready to comprehend that others have various considerations, plans, and points of view than their own. Subjective scholars additionally look at the 10% measurement of academic aptitudes, a capacity that is viewed as exceptional by most measures. These intellectual aptitudes are normally spatial in nature. Intercessions and treatments are troublesome. Family scholars attempt to work with the group of the patient, to attempt to create suitable practices. There is no revealed sedate that can be viewed as essential for the patient, in spite of the fact that Ritalin is apportioned in numerous cases. Behaviorists take a gander at the changing of conduct through positive fortification, conduct break, and thus inspect the self-stimulatory furthermore, self-harmful practices. .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd , .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd .postImageUrl , .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd , .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd:hover , .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd:visited , .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd:active { border:0!important; } .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd:active , .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: rel ative; } .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ud5c5f97f cb5baa0656234d76798d24dd .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ud5c5f97fcb5baa0656234d76798d24dd:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Oedipus Rex6 Essay Physiological work, for example, visual preparing, what's more, sound-related incorporation preparing, is utilized to decrease sensitivities to sounds better than average range, or to sounds the patient can think about agonizing. With regards to mental imbalance, the most significant thing to recollect is that guardians and specialists in the clinical field are presently understanding that there can be medications, and intercessions, that can be powerful. Likewise, note that Federal Law presently requires the states to give early intercession administrations for medically introverted youngsters between the ages of one to three. The administrations exist to give instruments to build up the kids scholastically, and socially. Words: 714 .
Friday, July 10, 2020
How to Write a Journal Article Review
How to Write a Journal Article ReviewWriting a journal article review can be a fun and educational thing to do. This is the process of writing and publishing a review of an academic work, e-book, or even a book. This technique is popular with writers, authors, and educators for several reasons.One reason that article reviews are so popular is because this type of writing is both fun and educational. For example, if you are a freelance writer or an author with a published e-book, then writing a review for someone else's work could be the perfect way to bring your name to the attention of readers. It could also be a great way to get paid for writing and posting reviews on other peoples' web sites. If you are still working on getting your e-book out into the world, then you could possibly write a few reviews that will entice readers to purchase your e-book.Another reason that writing an article review is such a good thing to do is because it gives you the opportunity to pass your knowle dge on to others. In essence, you have the opportunity to help other people get their works published in more places and be the more helpful type of writer. You may even be able to help other writers get their work published or offered in a more visible place. You could even write a few reviews to give out to colleagues. Writing an article review could be a great way to motivate yourself to get that job you have always wanted.Writing an article review can also be a great way to get more traffic to your website. For instance, if you write a lot of articles about different subjects and you have a blog, then writing a review for the best books or e-books in that subject area can be an interesting thing to do. Not only will it help get your name out there, but it will also get people to visit your site. Of course, you can choose to write the review in the style of a conventional article. You could even include in it some keywords or key phrases that your readers will be able to find whe n they are searching for the content you have written.Writing an article review could also be a good way to let other people know what you think about their work. If you have an article that you have written yourself, then you can post it as a review. You can even give it to an e-book or academic work, so that readers can see the various different points that you have made about the book. You could even create a forum for readers to post their own reviews of works of your own in your signature box at the end of your article.The beauty of this style of writing is that it is not too difficult to do. All you have to do is write the article, upload it to a site that can do it, and submit it to a service or publication. Then when they accept it, you just need to print it out and put it in your library. You could also have the article reviewed by someone who is a professional.In summary, writing a journal article review can be a fun and educational thing to do. In addition, it is also a g reat way to pass your knowledge on to others. You can also use it to promote yourself to potential clients and also to get other people's work published in more places. Finally, writing an article review can be a great way to motivate yourself to get a job you have always wanted.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Same Sex Marriage Is Immoral And Unnatural - 990 Words
In recent years, same-sex marriage has become a more controversial topic on whether it’s right or wrong. People should not feel coerced to agree with something they believe is wrong; clearly, same-sex marriage is immoral and unnatural. Many complications come with same-sex marriages including financial pressures, social pressures, moral pressures, and health risks. Many people believe in a traditional marriage between a man and a woman. God created man and woman to be faithful and produce children. Same-sex marriage is contrary to the word of God and the laws of nature; therefore, it is incompatible with the beliefs, sacred texts, and traditions of many religious groups. Many biblical scriptures talk about how immoral same-sex marriage is. For example, Leviticus 18:22 states, â€Å"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination†. Marriage is a privilege, not a right. It is not correct to redefine marriage away from the original meaning. Although i t may have been a questionable business decision at the time, the founders of Chick-fil-a took a stand on their Christian beliefs and close on Sundays allowing their employees to spend time with their families and attend church. They also created a media frenzy by taking a stand against same-sex marriage with the surprising outcome that the normal population showed extreme support for them. It was extremely difficult and took quite some time to successfully legalize same-sex marriage in every state. AfterShow MoreRelatedWhy Shouldn’t Tommy and Jim Have Sex? An Essay by John Corvino859 Words  | 4 PagesIn John Corvino’s essay, â€Å"Why Shouldn’t Tommy and Jim Have Sex?†he advocates his argument that gay sex is not â€Å"unnatural†in any moral way. However, this argument is easy to critique when considering opposition from natural law theorists, democracy, and other perspective ideas. In order for Corvino to make his position that gay sex is not morally â€Å"unnatural†, he must first respond to several arguments. Many natural law theorists believe that sexual organs should only be used for three distinctRead MoreSame-Sex Marriage in India1534 Words  | 6 PagesSame sex marriage in India Introduction Same-sex marriage is one of the most debated social topics in the world today especially with regards to equality and rights of such couples. There are a few countries that provide rights of full civil marriage to same-sex couples such as Belgium and Canada (Graff, 2004). Some other countries such as South Africa, Australia, and France amongst others provide such couples with civil union rights or legal partnership rights (Graff, 2004). The debate on whetherRead More Same-Sex Marriage Essays1127 Words  | 5 PagesSame-Sex Marriage The United States is known world wide for its civil rights and freedoms. Many Americans are appalled by the idea of same-sex marriages. What?s wrong with the idea of two people who care greatly for one another wanting to spend their lives together? The gay community is misunderstood because many straights are not willing to listen. These individuals would rather just be closed-minded in this situation and reticent to really think about what this means to the gay community andRead MoreHomosexuality And The Modern Day Civil Rights Movement1701 Words  | 7 PagesEverybody has their own reservations on homosexuality and the laws regarding homesexuality. Many people think of homosexuality as unnatural or a choice people make. There is also research being done to discover a gay gene to link homosexuality to birth. It is even considered that the battle for gay rights is the modern day civil rights movement. Just like in the 1960’s with African Americans, the government has began to regulate the personal lives of those who are openly homesexual. 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Religion opposes gay rights, especially gay marriage on the basis that it immoral and unnatural, it is against the word of God and it is incompatible with religious beliefs, sacred texts, and traditions of many religious groups(Eskridge,15). On the other hand, religion more directly influences the outcome of the civil rightsRead MorePersuasive Speech: Why You Should Oppose Same-S ex Marriage Essay examples1267 Words  | 6 PagesPersuasive Speech: Same sex marriages General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade the audience to agree that same-sex marriages should not be legal Central Idea: The audience will realize the vices and social disorders created by legalization of same sex marriages in order to preserve marital norms INTRODUCTION I. Same sex marriage is a trending topic if not a trendy one. Countries throughout the globe are pressured with the question of homosexuality beingRead MoreMainstream Acceptance of Homosexuality in our Society Essay1452 Words  | 6 Pageslifestyle by allowing same sex couples some of the rights afforded heterosexual couples. The idea of coming out of the closet has moved to the forefront of homosexual individuals when it used to be the exception. The Government of Canada has recently passed law making it illegal to discriminate against an individuals sexual preference. With this in mind, the government would then require all facets of society, including religious communities, to welcome the marriages, adoptions, and familiesRead MoreShould Same Sex Marriage Be Legalized?912 Words  | 4 Pages 2015, the day in which the Supreme Court declared that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to legally marry nationwide. Legalizing same-sex marriage has become a major poli tical issue and has caused many debates. Many believe that homosexuality is immoral and against the bible, while others think of it as just another way of living. Although every person has their own perspective, whether they are for or against same-sex marriage, it should not be looked down upon or disrespected for theRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1188 Words  | 5 PagesDavid Henry Ms. Moraites/Ms. Powell ELA 10 15 April 2015 Same-Sex Marriage In today’s world the idea of same-sex marriage for same-sex couples has been largely denied by many states. A same-sex couple is when two individuals of the same sex either man or woman are involved in a relationship. However they are unable to make it official since marriage is one of many rights and opportunities denied to them in society. This topic is controversial because homosexuals are seen almost everywhere with prejudice
Sexism in Language free essay sample
The writing depicts the gender role in literature, how males are shown to be significantly more dominant, physically and mentally. Sexism in literature is ubiquitous, in literature and language, as well as semiotics in certain cases. Literature from the last two centuries demonstrates a progression. Females were originally portrayed as feeble minded, nimble and weak characters, with little or no dynamics to their personification. Males were shown to be strong, intelligent and domineering, and would be the ones who’d save females from all the unfortunate events in the story. In modern literature, males and females are often times, given equal consideration. Sexism is indeed, still present in modern literature; however, it has lessened considerably. The dominance of male in literature that reflects the society in each period of time which shows is inferior women is powerless against men. In the modern society women are more liberal and independent. The development of society conscious with the role of female and male differences, and the literature also adapts with the perception of the society with women’s role in the society. Sexism In Mainstream Literature In the past, sexism in literature is more drastically defined than that in modern literature. In the classic children’s tale â€Å"Little Snow-White†, the main characters, Snow White and the evil queen, are nothing but the subject of vanity. As time passes, female characters in literature have become much more personified, taking aspects of a human’s personality instead of that of a vapid, imagined creature as portrayed in Tom Sawyer to a more recent novel, the House on Mango Street. In these novels, the women’s identities were not solely dependant on men and their actions. Women were more of human beings rather than just ornaments in the novels. In the Grimm Brothers’ â€Å"Little Snow-White†, the wicked queen is extremely obsessed with beauty. She is vain and goes to many extremes just to be â€Å"the most beautiful in the land†. The character of the queen portrays a one-dimensional female stereotype. She is only concerned about being the most beautiful woman in the whole kingdom. The Grimm’s brothers implied females’ dependence on the opposite sex. Before killing Snow White on her own, the queen first resorts to hire the huntsman to assassinate Snow White. Only once the male character has failed, due to compassion or possibly Snow White’s immaculate beauty, the queen then chooses to take matter into her own hands. The queen is sentenced to dancing to her death in â€Å"red-hot iron shoes†. The authors show negative sentiments towards females’ obsession with beauty. Snow White is the weak and gullible female figure. She seems to embody many female stereotypes that were commonly held during the time. She is only able to beg for mercy from the huntsman. It is because of her physical beauty that she is able to survive and persuade male characters to help her. The huntsman was unable to execute Snow White because her beauty charmed him; he was unable to harm her as indicated by the phrase â€Å"she was so lovely†. When beauty alone does not get her the help she needs, Snow White must resort to housekeeping in exchange for her survival. This implies that the men, the dwarves do not have the ability to effectively run a household. Though this does imply that a household requires two members of the opposite sex, the story of Snow White still revolves around her dependency on the prince’s aid. During her first encounter with the seven dwarfs, Snow White agrees to â€Å"cook, make beds, wash, sew, and knit†in order to stay at their cottage in the forest. Snow White’s actions were what considered the appropriate female role of the time. Therefore, the Grimm Brothers’ â€Å"Snow White†portrays female characters as helpless, feeble, and beauty-obsessed creatures that would be deemed inappropriate if compared to literature of a later period. Written in the late 19th century, Mark Twains The Adventures of Tom Sawyer shows a progression of gender representation within literature through two primary female characters. Becky and Aunt Polly show more dynamic and depth in their personalities. The main character, Tom Sawyer, is allowed to freely act upon his desires as the two female characters adjust to him accordingly. Even with their limited roles and contributions to the main storyline, the characters of Aunt Polly and Becky indicate a significant advancement of female gender representation in literature. Aunt Polly is still portrayed as a caring mother figure compared to the evil Queen. Furthermore, unlike the passive and feebleminded Snow White, Becky can truly be considered a feminist with various emotional responses toward Sawyers actions. There is a dynamic contrast to the characters belonging to both sexes. Beckys role is mostly defined by her relationship to the male hero. She shows various dynamics throughout the novel. These emotions are markedly different from how Snow White was portrayed. While Snow White is not capable of emerging from her passive nature without the aid of her prince, Becky is able to experience, and show a variety of emotions. Still, Tom essentially dominates. The female characters in Twains The Adventures of Tom Sawyer seems to be depicted with more depth than the one-dimensional Snow White and the evil Queen. Regardless of their wider range of emotions, Twains female characters are still limited by the role assigned to them and are shallower characters compared to their male counterparts. The character of Esperanza in Sandra Cisneros’ The House on Mango Street marks yet another progression of female gender representation within the realm of literature. As Becky and Aunt Polly have shown more consciousness and emotions within their characters, Esperanza takes the matter further and represents the liberated women of the late twentieth century. She is set on establishing herself as a notable figure, despite her social limitations. For instance, Cisneros mentions that Esperanza wants â€Å"a house of her own†¦ Not a man’s house. Not a daddy’s†. As a female character, she is independent, self-aware, and capable of making decision for herself. She is aware of the issue of gender equality and decides not giving in to such traditions that are symbolized by Mango Street itself. Unlike Snow White, and even Mark Twain’s Becky, Esperanza has â€Å"decided not to grow up tame like the others who lay their necks on the threshold waiting for the ball and chain†. Quite the contrary, she is the self-defined feminist whose goal is to spread her ideals and independent thinking to the other women who are still roped down by gender inequality. The representation of females in literature has changed and shifted throughout the years. Women are much more liberal and independent, which is parallel to society’s ever shifting norms. To write a book at contains a plotline similar to â€Å"Little Snow-White†or â€Å"Ashputtel†, will not be appreciated by many.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
U.S. Constitution Essay Example For Students
U.S. Constitution Essay Ravi Purohit2/9/04PUB 1250The document I chose to write about is the United States Constitution. When the thirteen British colonies in North America declared their independence in 1776, they laid down that governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. The colonies had to establish a government, which would be the framework for the United States. The purpose of a written constitution is to define and therefore more specifically limit government powers. After the Articles of Confederation failed to work in the 13 colonies, the U.S. Constitution was created in 1787. The Constitution is important because it was expressly designed to limit powers into three co-ordinate branches, the legislative, executive, and judiciary branch; none of which was to have supremacy over the others. This separation of powers with the checks and balances which each branch was given over the others was designed to prevent any branch, from infringing individual liberties safeguarded by the Constitution. I think the U.S. Constitution was a way for the U.S. to establish government which was a negotiation between the two former governments, a monarchy and total state power. I think by creating the checks and balances, peoples rights would be safer and they would feel more secure not having one branch of government with absolute power. What I found most interesting about the Constitution was how complex and detailed the framers made it, to effectively explain and limit the individual branches of power in government. In the words of Thomas Paine, a government without a const itution is power without right. Meaning that for power to be granted, it is necessary to establish a constitution. We will write a custom essay on U.S. Constitution specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The Federalist Papers 10 ; 51 were essays which helped persuade the citizens of the United States to vote for the federal Constitution. James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay used pseudonyms as their names to convince the public. Those who were skeptical of voting for a government, which had many different major powers, were reassured by the founding fathers in their speeches and conventions throughout the U.S. The importance of Constitution, both in its content and its status, is little appreciated by the general public. As citizens of the United States, we must never forget the basic fact that we have, as a price of social development and stability, have handed over a large amount of control over our lives to our government. And there is no government which can be trusted to function successfully and honestly without the discipline of clear constitutional rules laying down the essential principles to which government can be held accountable.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Problems With the New PSAT Your Questions, Answered
Problems With the New PSAT Your Questions, Answered SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The College Board had some issues with the new PSAT, including late score reports from their Fall 2015 test. Here, we’ll talk about whether these problems will affect you, and we’ll point you in the right direction if you still have issues getting your scores. PSAT scores are especially important to high school juniors who are hoping to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. If you're a high school junior, you’ll want to make sure you read our NMS score section - we’ll answer all your questions about National Merit Semifinalist cutoffs. Finally, we’ll talk a bit about what this means for theCollege Boardin general. This isn’t the first problem that they’ve had with their standardized tests in recent years - could this delay in score reports speak to more serious problems with the maker of the SAT? Read on to find out! Slow Score Reports: What Happened? As you may already know, students who took the October 2015 PSAT had to deal with delayed score reports. These late scores were most frustrating for high school juniors who were hoping to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. Here's what happened: Over 4 million students took the new PSATin fall 2015and were supposed to get their scores back by the end of 2015. It turns out that scores weren't officially released until January of 2016, about a month later than expected. At the time of release,many students and counselors who were trying to access the site reported that it was running very slowly, probably due to heavy traffic. All in all, it sounds like it was a pretty frustrating experience. Perhaps even more frustrating?It seems that students are still having trouble accessing their scores, even after their official release. OnJanuary 21, some test-takers were told that their scores were still "delayed," and it would be another 5-7 days before they'd have access to them. The College Board explained that additional delays were due to their new online score report system. They claim that scores are indeed available, but new protocols for actually accessing the scores are â€Å"confusing†students and counselors. If you're looking for solutions, you've come to the right place. How Does This Affect You, and What Should You Do About It? This score report delay affected high school students who took the PSAT in October of 2015. If you haven't already, you may be anxious to check your PSAT for a variety of reasons. Here, we'll break down common issues you might run into if you can't get your scores, in addition to the steps you can take to remedy these issues. Problem #1: the Lack of Access to Your Scores Is Frustrating A lack of access to your scores won't affect your scores in any way nor will it affect your eligibility for the National Merit Scholarship. We can’t help you feel better - you’re right to be frustrated! - but knowing that a delay won’t affect any important outcomes might ease some of your frustration. Problem #2: You Were Hoping to Get Score Feedback to Prep for the SAT If you’re still waiting for your scores, try taking a College Board SAT practice test. You’ll end up with a head start in SAT prep! Just rememberthat the College Board switched over to the redesigned SAT starting in March 2016 and make sure to take one of the newpractice tests. Problem #3: You Can't Figure Out If You Qualify for the National Merit Scholarship This delay won’t affect your eligibility for the scholarship, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re anxious to learn if you qualify. Remember, though, that it's impossible to know if you qualify before the NMSC sends out letters to semifinalists - score cutoffs change from year to year, so all cutoff parameters currently available are just estimates anyway. See our next section about steps to take to get your hands on your scores, and continue reading for more info about NMS score cutoffs. Here's everything you need to know to unlockaccess to that score report. What Can You Do to Get Your Scores? If you're still waiting for delayed PSAT scores, here are the steps you should take: Make sure you have your Access/ID Code for College Board's online score report system. If you don't have this code, you can call PSAT services at 866-433-7728. Some students reported logging into the score report system, only to see a prompt telling them that their scores were delayed or that there was no record of them taking a College Board test. If this happens to you,don’t panic. Either wait a couple of days and try again or call PSAT Services. If you aren't able to access your scores and need them ASAP for a particular reason, call PSAT services (see a pattern yet?) and ask if they can expedite them. Your high school guidance counselor is likely aware of these score issues, and may have more information about how they affect students at your particular school. If you have specific questions or concerns, make an appointment to check in with this counselor. What's the Deal With National Merit Scholarship Score Cutoffs? Now that you know what's going on with PSAT score delays, we can get to the juicy stuff: how can you figure out whether you qualify for the National Merit Scholarship? Just to make it clear again, delays in score reports will not affect whether you qualify for the NMS. In fact, semifinalists won’t be notified of their award status until early September 2016. Even though PSAT-takers won't get official notice of their scholarship status until later this year, you're probably wondering whether you can estimate your eligibility ahead of time. The bad news? Exact score cutoffs change from year to year. This year has been extra special because along with the SAT overhaul, there's been a total change in the PSAT as well - it's scored in a completely new way. The good news is that we've been keeping track of these changes and have come up with estimated score cutoffs for National Merit Scholarship eligibility. See ourestimated PSAT score cutoffs for each state, in addition to how they compare to the â€Å"old†PSAT scoring system cutoffs. What's Going on With the College Board? Should You Avoid the SAT? Hopefully, we’ve helped you plan how to get your hands on your scores, or at the very least, reassured you that you won’t experience any long-lasting consequences as a result of this delay.You may, however, be experiencing some bigger concerns about the maker of the PSAT and SAT after this fiasco. What does this delay say about the reliability of the College Board, if anything at all? First, you should know that the College Board is in the midst of a pretty significant transition -they moved from the SAT that most of you are probably most familiar with to a brandnew version of the test. January 2016 was the last month that the â€Å"old†SAT was administered. It makes sense that if there were to be technical glitches, they’d be happening now - when the College Board is switching over to a new test and new score report system. However,this transition doesn’t necessarily explain other recent issues that that the College Board has had, including: Dropping two sections of the 6/10/15 SAT test because of printing issues, leading to questions about the validity of students’ scores from that day Widespread cheating on the SATin countries where The College Board reuses previously administered tests, and cheating in the US due to a data breach Delays in reporting SAT scores to colleges, which led to issues for students who were hoping to make early application deadlines last fall So what do we think is going on? The College Board as a company might be experiencing general organizational, operational, and technical issues as they attempt to update themselves to stay relevant in the standardized testing business. These issues are major, yes, but they shouldn’t necessarily dissuade you from taking the SAT if it’s the right test for you. That being said, the new SAT is looking a lot more like the ACT than it used to - if you’re very concerned about technological issues and/or delays affecting your test or your scores, you might look into taking the ACT in addition to (or even in lieu of) the SAT. That doesn’t mean, however, that the ACT hasn’t had its fair share of issues and delays. Ultimately, here's our advice about the best approach to the SAT:take the test (or tests) that’s right for you. At a certain point, it seems that a degree of technological and organizational issues is unavoidable, but the College Board and the ACT do try to mitigate the effects their mistakes have on test takers. For example, during one of the last SAT crises (the printing issues in the 6/10/15 test), the College Board analyzed all viable options for responding, which included: A) Adjusting the curves on the exam B) Canceling all scores for the test C) Dropping the particular sections that were affected, and calculating scores based on students' performance on the other sections In this particular case, The College Board chose Option C - students didn't have to retake the test, and their scores weren't "docked" or otherwise affected. Each situation will be different, but in general, the College Board wants to make its test-takers happy - if students are suspicious of the SAT or think the College Board isn't reliable, fewer students will choose to take the test, and that's bad for business. What's Next? Chances are you're pretty interested in the National Merit Scholarship - perhaps you could use some more guidance when it comes to getting your hands on some of that college cash. Read about how to become a National Merit semifinalist and National Merit finalist. Check in on updated score cutoff estimates for the award. If you're looking for a one-stop read, you should definitely read our complete guide to the National Merit Scholarship competition and how to win it. Got your PSAT score, but not sure what to do with it? Check out our guide to understanding your PSAT score. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, February 29, 2020
1867 reform act
In 1867 the second reform act was passed by Disraeli, there were many factors which brought about the reform act and public pressure was definitely one of them however there were other factors which helped the 1867 reform act to be passed, such as the conservatives being opportunists, the personal ambitions of Disraeli and also the fear of unrest that pushed the act to be passed. Public pressure had a large part to do with the passing of the 1867 reform bill in many ways. Most working class men at this time felt they were ready for the vote, this lead to the creation of pressure groups these would campaign for enfranchisement. In 1864 the national reform union was set up, this was mainly aimed at bringing the interests of the working and middle class men together in politics. Also created in 1864 was the reform league, although similar to the national reform union this was much more radical, it mainly aimed towards having universal male suffrage and a secret ballot. These groups would hold rallies of over 100,000 to try and put pressure on the government and get the bill passed, these groups doing this is significant evidence that public pressure could have been a large contributor to the passing of the act. It could also be argued that not only was the government being pressured into reform by these groups but it was scared of the repercussions and outbursts that could follow if the act was not passed. During this time Britain had gone through many difficult times such as , economic depression, a cholera epidemic and quite high unemployment. This would make the government anxious about the current temper of the general public and therefore wouldn’t want to upset them. An example of the public unrest would have been the Hyde park riots of 1867, where railings were ripped off windows were smashed and there was great uproar. This is then evidence that the bringing about of the 1867 reform act was also due to other reasons and not totally on pressure from the public, however it could be said that this fear of unrest was amplified by the pressure groups which would then suggest that public pressure was the main cause. Disraeli knew that to get this act passed and to stay in power he needed to take another step towards democracy, he wanted to attract the support of the back bench conservatives and the adullamites this is why the 1867 bill was much more moderate than the previous liberal 1866 bill. In the 1866 bill Gladstone had introduced the enfranchisement of people paying more than ? 7 in rent in the boroughs and ? 10 in the counties. This I believe was simply to radical and this is why I think it failed. The failure of the previous 1866 reform act by Gladstone I would say is also a contributor to the passing of the 1867 bill as people were not happy with this and therefore Disraeli saw his chance to strike and get the conservatives back into power. It could also be argued that the 1867 reform was pushed through as an opportunist act. At this time the conservatives had not been in power for over 20 years, at the time the liberal party was split, some wanting reform some not. The conservatives couldn’t miss this opportunity to get back into power or they could be out for another 20 years or even more. The death of Lord Palmerston in 1865 was a gateway as he had previously been the barrier to the idea of reform. The liberal party then didn’t sort out there problems and their government collapsed, this was when Disraeli saw the real opportunity and he put the conservatives in power in 1867. I would say that the opportunist mind of Disraeli and the conservatives was a large contributor of the passing of the act as if Disraeli hadn’t of seized the opportunity when the liberals were weakened he may have never had the chance. In conclusion I would argue that yes the pressure of the people on the government was large contributor to the bringing in of the reform act however it was not the only thing pushing for the act to be passed, conservative opportunism and fear of riot and revolt are just two other reasons that could have considerably helped to pass the 1867 reform bill.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Research methods - Literature review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Research methods - Literature review - Assignment Example The tone of the article also supports that he is addressing the literate class. In addition, the literature review presented is well referenced using footnotes, a factor that ascertains that it is scholarly. The author explores the balancing and bandwagoning, as the two options that states have during conflicts. Schweller seeks to highlight the factors that motivate states to settle for any of the two alternatives. His thesis is very evident that balancing and bandwagoning are not opposites, and a range of different factors motivates states adopting either of them. The goals of balancing and bandwagoning are different as well, with states opting for bandwagon to gain something, while the purpose of balancing is ensuring that values are protected (p. 75). From the literature review, it becomes evident that many scholars have not focused on exploring the issue of bandwagoning effectively. The author highlights that other authors who have tried to explore this topic previously have misconceived the concepts of bandwagoning. The literature review highlights that rewards are of central significance to states that opt for bandwagoning. It emerges that other reasons also prompt states to consider bandwagoning as the preferred option. The theory of the balance of interests is more realistic in explaining bandwagoning (p. 100). Schweller believes that the topic of bandwagoning has not been explored as it deserves. This is because the balancing theory that has often been used in explaining this concept seems insufficient. Moreover, the goals of bandwagoning have not been explained in details as required. He discerns the need for the development of new theories that can effectively explain the concept (p. 105). In his literature review, he focuses on filling this gap. He does this by reviewing the balancing theory, and explaining the reasons that prompt states to opt for bandwagoning. He
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Culture of a place in California Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Culture of a place in California - Essay Example During and after the WWII, there was immense growth as entrepreneurs boosted the economy which is still running as military, tourism, defence industries, manufacturing, and international trade. A number of cultural groups and monuments exist in California throughout the history. San Diego has been a very lively and energetic city because of its people. It consists of people who migrated from several different areas and formed their communities in the city in order to earn money and send back home to their families. These individuals eventually migrated to the city with their families and the economy boosted. Today, the city is full of entrepreneurs, cheap labour, artists, and several communities that make San Diego what it is. The Californios community took hold of a numerical majority in 1848 as they owned a major part of the property and secured the social and cultural recognition; however they failed to take control of the political system and thus by 1860, the area had declined economically. The Hispanics made huge breakthroughs in the WWI in San Diego farm districts. Their skills, experiences from military, and contacts lead to profits and improved the economy (Lockwood 95). Many other cultural groups that settled in San Diego were mainly in order to boost the economy. San Diego also welcomed the Chinese immigrants in the 1860s as they settled in two fishing villages; Point Loma and New Town. These Chinese immigrants became the pioneers in 1860s in the industry and their peak time was in the 1880s. By the 1890s, the Chinese settled and found more jobs in the fishing industry as well as the service industry, railroad construction and general construction, merchandising, and food industry. District associations, family associations, business guilds, and secret societies were eventually formed. San Diego consists of several Chinese immigrants who have now achieved the status of a community and are
Friday, January 24, 2020
Discrimination in Harrison Bergeron, after you my dear Alphonse, and Th
Discrimination in the Short Stories, Harrison Bergeron, after you my dear Alphonse, and The Lottery The trait of discrimination is the basis for the stories, Harrison Bergeron, after you my dear Alphonse, and Lottery. Discrimination is when someone is hated or acted upon negatively for the reason of race, sex, or nationality. In the short stories the author's feelings of discrimination are expressed through the characters differently. In these stories the author has his own feelings and thought depicted through the characters. By the popular theme of discrimination and racism it suggests that these stories were written in the late sixties early seventies. In the story Harrison Bergeron the whole country is handicapped except for one individual. The one person is Hazel who is thoug...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Travelling Essay
As for me I prefer to learn about the world travelling.Millions people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places or just for a change of scene. It's always interesting to discover new things and different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different music.Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City residents usually like a quiet holiday by the sea and in the mountains with nothing to do but walk and bathe and lay in the sun.Most travelers and holiday-makers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interest them – the sights of a city, old churches and castles, views of mountains, lakes, valleys, plains, waterfalls, forests, different kinds of t rees, flowers and plants, animals and birds. Later, perhaps years later, they will be reminded by the photos of the happy time they had.People travel by train, by plane, by ship or boat and by car. All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and preferences. The fasters way of travelling – is travelling by plane, but in my opinion the most comfortable is travelling by ship and the cheapest is travelling on foot.If we are fond of travelling, we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home, though we may read about them in books and newspapers and see pictures of them on TV. The best way to study geography is to travel and the best way to get to know and understand the people is to meet them in their own homes.Nowadays people mostly travel by air, as it's the fastest means of travelling. Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport 2 hours before departure time on international fligh ts and an hour on domestic flights, as there must be enough time to complete the necessary airport formalities. Before passengers get on board the plane, they have to register their luggage. Each passenger is given a boarding pass to be shown at the departure gate and again to the stewardess when boarding the plane.Landing formalities and custom regulations are more or less the same in all countries: while still on board the plane the passengers are given arrival cards to fill in. After the passengers have disembarked, officials will check his passport and visa. Then the passengers go to the custom for an examination of their luggage. As a rule personal belongings may be brought in duty-free. In some cases the custom inspector may ask you to open your bag for inspection.As for me, I prefer to travel by plane. And now I would like to tell you about my first travelling by plane. It was in 1998 when I travelled to Italy. I travelled without parents, but with guide and other children. I don't remember exactly how much time it took to fly from Minsk to Venice, but I think it must be about 2 or 3 hours.During the flight I communicated with my neighbours, I admired the view from my window and slept a bit. When we are were landing in Venice I looked out of my window and saw the entire city at my hand. It isn't true, that there is no one road in Venice, but only water channels. I can say that only the third part of the city is covered with water. Then the plain landed. So, it was my first travelling by plane.And in the end I'll say that traveling is a nice hobby and a great thing if you want to know more about the world and certainly if you are studying a foreign language.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Aristotle on Happiness and Virtue Essay - 1749 Words
In our society today, we are mostly challenged by two questions: ‘is it right to do this or that? And ‘how should I be living in society?’(Bessant, 2009). Similar questions were greatly discussed in the history by our ancestors in their philosophical discussions. The most ancient and long-lasting literature on moral principles and ethics were described by Greek philosopher Aristotle. He had an excellent command on various subjects ranging from sciences to mathematics and philosophy. He was also a student of a famous philosopher. His most important study on ethics, personal morality and virtues is ‘The Nicomachean Ethics’, which has been greatly influencing works of literature in ethics and heavily read for centuries, is believed to be†¦show more content†¦His father died in his earlier days, leaving Aristotle to be raised by his guardian. At the age of 17, he was admitted into Platos academy. Plato was also one of the most renowned philosopher s. He served for the purpose of edification of the Alexander the Great. At the age of 49, Aristotle started his own school and named is ‘Lyceum’. When Alexander died, Aristotle escaped to Athens fearing life attacks. In 322 B.C, Aristotle died. He was at the age of 62 when he died. He is honored to be author of ‘The Nicomachean Ethics,’ which was in fact the 1st book ever written on the subject of ethics. The book is greatly influential, even in modern times. By an analysis of Aristotle’s literature, it can be observed that he primarily focused on preaching to be ‘virtuous’ rather than focusing on the theories of what ‘virtue’ is. According to him, in whatever way we choose to act, some action that is focused on achieving the desired end result or ‘good’ results comes from that person’s own perspective. Aristotle claimed that the maximum good which a person have desire to achieve is basically an end-point itself , a person’s action or struggles is for achieving that ‘end-point’, it may be regarded as a point of maximum satisfaction. Aristotle critically concluded that the happiness of a person satisfies these conditions completely, and hence the highest attainable good is rega rded as happiness. Plato wasShow MoreRelatedAristotle on the Nature of Happiness and Virtue1265 Words  | 5 Pages Maybe it’s not clear for many people but, for me it is. Happiness does not depend on what we have; happiness comes from us our soul. Aristotle enshrines happiness as a central purpose of human life and a goal in itself. Virtue, which Aristotle believes that is the balance between two excesses, and definitely achieved by maintaining the mean. Aristotle always asks what the ultimate purpose of human existence is. Everywhere we see people seeking pleasure, wealth, and a good reputationRead MoreAristotle s Views On Happiness And Moral Virtue Essay1593 Words  | 7 PagesTiverio Madrigal Landa Philosophy 002 October 13, 2016 Happiness and Moral Virtue Every few decades, an individual revolutionizes the way that we think and perceive the world. During the year 300 B.C., the foundation of philosophy was started by Aristotle and his learning from Plato and Socrates. A few centuries later, Thomas Hobbes beliefs challenged Aristotle s views. At the time, it was not known that their ideas would revolutionize the way we see the world around us today. Even though theyRead MoreHappiness Is an Activity Essay1287 Words  | 6 PagesIn this paper I will discuss Aristotle’s claim that happiness is a kind of activity and not a momentary pleasure. 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